When you’re worried about how your smile looks, you probably think of orthodontists. But these specially trained dentists deal with much more than cosmetic issues.
An orthodontist undergoes advanced training in tooth and jaw alignment. This gives them the skills to offer a variety of specialized services, such as:
Nicole Thompson, DMD, uses her advanced training to treat numerous conditions at Lovely Smiles Orthodontics in Richmond, Texas. In this blog, Dr. Thompson touches on three common issues she can address with orthodontics beyond teeth alignment.
Whether you grind your teeth during the day or night, it can lead to serious problems. And you may not even realize you’re doing it. People who grind their teeth often experience a variety of symptoms, including earaches or headaches and neck, jaw, or facial pain.
On top of that, teeth grinding also puts your teeth in serious jeopardy. Without treatment, grinding can wear down the protective enamel and can lead to chipped, fractured, and loose teeth.
Bruxism often develops from anxiety and stress — as well as an abnormal bite, something Dr. Thompson frequently treats as an orthodontist.
Interceptive orthodontics and growth modification is a type of classic orthodontic care that’s highly beneficial for children. This orthodontic treatment can prevent the need for more extensive orthodontics or jaw surgery when they get older.
Classic orthodontic interventions such as braces typically wait until a child’s permanent teeth have grown in, usually around ages 12-14. Interceptive orthodontics takes a completely different approach and begins treatment around ages 6-9.
Introducing growth modification treatments at this age makes the most of a child’s malleable bones that are still growing. This makes it easier to address problems with the width or shape of the jawbone. Dr. Thompson can also correct orthodontic challenges like protruding teeth.
These are just a few of the problems orthodontics can address beyond teeth alignment. If you have concerns about your teeth, jaw, or smile, contact Lovely Smiles Orthodontics by phone or online to schedule an appointment today.